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Shemot - Shiviti - I Place Hashem Before Me Always

Monday, December 24, 2018 · Posted in , ,

shiviti Hashem l'negdi tamid
“I place Hashem before me always.”

Shemot 2:1 A man of the house of Levi went and married a daughter of Levi.

BeRahamim LeHayyim: Those who are the most connected, stay connected at all times. Waking up. Eating. Walking on the way. Learning. Interacting. Working. Sleeping. And yes, using the washroom [but not meditating inside!] 

We are promised that if we keep G‑d before us always, He will in fact do our will. If we see our lives as a microcosm of G‑d 's interactions, we can channel amazing blessings onto ourselves and others. It is a lot easier said than done. For we can quickly be trapped in the material world, with concerns slightly higher than animals, with despair and loss of faith when we are at our worst.

Moshe was a superior soul who came into this world perhaps largely because of the holy behavior of his parents. During their marital relations, the Zohar above describes, they saw their coupling as symbolic of Divine union between Transcendence and Imminence, between Supernatural and Natural, between Expansion and Limit..."for the sake of the Unification of the Holy One and His Manifestation."

Rabbi Yitzchak said: Fortunate are the righteous, whose desire is to cleave to G‑d always [including during the time of marital relations]. As they cleave to Him constantly, thus does He cleave to them and never leaves them. Woe to the wicked, that their desire and cleaving are far removed from Him. For not only are they distanced from Him, but they also cleave to the Other Side. Come and see: Moshe came from Amram who cleaved to G‑d, and G‑d never turned from him, and the Shechinah cleaved to him always; thus, blessed is his lot.

- Chabad, 
Holy-Conjugations, based on Zohar Shemot 11A


Parashat Shemot
