Tehillim 119:12
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְהוָה לַמְּדֵנִי חֻקֶּיךָ
Baruch atah HASHEM lamdeni chukeicha
Blessed are You, HASHEM; teach me Your statutes.
Thus, on the one hand, David pleads for an abundant flow from G-d. On the other hand he acclaims G-d as the source of blessing.
Chazal (our Sages) infer from here that a blessing must be recited before and after every reading in the Torah. The need for a prefatory blessing is conveyed by, "Blessed are You, HaShem; teach me Your statutes." The need for a concluding blessing is conveyed by "And this is th blessing by which Moshe the man of G-d blessed" (Devarim 33:1). After he recited the Haazinu hymn (ibid. 32), he recited a blessing.
BRACHA LEVATALAH - (a blessing made in vain)
The Rosh (Berakhot 6:20; see also Shulchan Aruch) writes that if one began unnecessarily saying a blessing, but stopped before saying “Elokeinu Melech Ha-Olam” (our G-d, King of the Universe), he should continue “lamdeini chukekha” (teach me Your statutes), thus completing a verse (Tehillim 119:12). He is then considered to have merely read a Biblical verse.
Furthermore, if one realizes that he has begun reciting an unnecessary blessing before completing the word “Elokeinu” (our G-d), he may continue the verse “Elokei Yisrael avinu mei-olam ve-ad olam” (G-d of Yisrael, our Father, forever and ever) (Tzelach, Berakhot 39b; Kitzur Shulchan Arukh 6:4), thus completing a Biblical verse (Divrei HaYamim Alef 29:10). The Chayei Adam (5:1) adds that in this case, one should still conclude with “baruch shem kavod.”
For clarification:
If you just said "Baruch" or "Baruch Atah" (Blessed or Blessed are You) - just stop there.
If you said "Baruch Atah HaShem" - then you finish with the words "Lamdeini Chukeicha." (Teach me Your statutes. - Tehillim 119:12)
If you started to say "Elokei" and didn't finish the entire words (Elokeinu) - then you finish with "Elokei Yisrael Avinu me-olam ve-ad olam." (G-d of Yisrael, our Father, forever and ever. - Divrei HaYamim Alef 29:10)
If you said the word "Elokeinu" - then finish with "Atah anitam, Kel nose' hayitah lahem ve-nokem al alilotam" (You answered them; a forgiving G-d were You to them; but an avenger of their misdeeds. - Tehillim 99:8)
If you said beyond the word "Elokeinu" - then say, "Baruch Shem Kevod Malchuto L'Olam Va'ed" (Blessed is the Name of His glorious Kingdom for all eternity. - based on Nechemya 9:5) This is also said any time the Name of G-d is said in vain. (Yerushalmi Brachot 43b; Orach Chayim 206:6)
Tehillim 119:11
Tehillim 119:10
Tehillim 119:9
Tehillim 119:8
Tehillim 119:7
Tehillim 119:6
Tehillim 119:5
Tehillim 119:4
Tehillim 119:3
Tehillim 119:2
Tehillim 119:1
- MeAm Lo'ez