Perek Shirah - Date Palm Says

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 · Posted in ,

תָּמָר אוֹמֵר - Date Palm Says

[Picture of matah (date orchard), Kibbutz Ketura, Israel]

Tehillim 92:13

צַדִּיק כַּתָּמָר יִפְרָח כְּאֶרֶז בַּלְּבָנוֹן יִשְׂגֶּה
tzaddik katamar yifrach ke'erez balvanon yisgeh
A righteous man will flourish like a date palm, he will grow like a cedar in the Levanon.

In the beginning he bears suffering, but in the end "the righteous man will flourish like the date palm" and produce abundant fruit. Similarly, the date palm does not produce fruit except after a long time has passed; seventy years. The "he will grow" higher and higher, "like a cedar in Levanon."

Contrary to the wicked, who wither (v1:4), the tzaddik who flourishes like the date palm will stand many years, "like a cedar in Levanon" growing high. 

The date palm remains forever straight, even when its fruit are plentiful. Similarly, the tzaddik stands upright and does not become bent through indulgence in passions. He struggles constantly against his physical impulse. 

Just as the date palm brings forth fruit after seventy years, so also the tzaddik is rewarded after his death, after having lived seventy years.

The Talmud writes, "Why is it written, 'The righteous man will flourish like the date palm; he will grow like a cedar in Levanon.'? If it says a cedar, why say a date palm; and if it says a date palm, why say a cedar? However, if it would say a date palm and not say a cedar, I might infer that just as the date palm does not change its trunk, so the tzaddik does not change his trunk - basic nature. And, if it would say a cedar and not say a date palm, I might infer, just as the cedar does not produce fruit, so the tzaddik does not produce fruit. Accordingly, it mentions both the date palm and the cedar.

Chazal also teach that just as among date palms and cedars none are knotted and none are crooked, so are there no twisted or non-upright tzaddikim. Just as the date palm and the cedar cast a long shadow, so the reward of the righteous reaches far. Just as the date palm and the cedar have their hearts pointing upward, so it is also for the righteous . (Me'am Lo'ez)

There are two types of righteous individuals, the Baal Shem Tov notes.  One is constantly engrossed in service to G-d but has no involvement with others.  He keeps his righteousness to himself.  Such an individual can be compared to a cedar – large and strong but does not bear fruit.  Like a cedar, this individual may be great in knowledge of the Torah and in service to G-d but does not do anything to produce other righteous individuals.  On the other hand, there is another type of righteous individual who can be compared to a date palm.  A date palm is also large and strong but in addition it flourishes – it bears fruit.  Similarly, such a righteous individual steps out of his immediate four amot and spreads the beauty within him to others around him, whereby his righteousness bears fruit, bringing others closer to G-d.  Whereas the cedar will just “grow tall”, developing itself, the date palm “shall flourish”, bearing fruit and spreading good to the world.

May we, like the date palm, grow significantly and also flourish and bear fruit, reaching out to others and giving of ourselves to others.  And may G-d, in merit of our actions, bring us even closer to Him, enjoying everlasting bliss in service of G-d now and in closeness to Him in the world to come.

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