Lech Lecha - Bitachon

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 · Posted in , ,

How can one comprehend the fact that a Jew in the most miserable of situations nevertheless affirms, "Gam zu l'tovah! (It is all for the best!)"

It is a character trait inherited from our forefather Avraham who was unshakable in his bitachon (belief - trust) in Hashem. Even when exposed to famine, Avraham did not complain but trusted in Divine Providence. Hence his descendants in all generations were able to bear without despair the intolerable living conditions of the ghetto and the tyranny of the gentiles among whom they lived.

- Nefesh Hachayim

Lech Lecha - Heavenly Decree

Tuesday, October 16, 2018 · Posted in ,


  • Tzedakah - Giving Charity
  • Tefillah - Prayer
  • Teshuvah - Improving one's deeds
  • Shinui Shem - Being renamed
Some add:

  • Shinui Hamakom - Changing residence
We learn this last point from the fact that Hashem told Avram, "Go out rom your land, etc. and I will make of you a great nation." Avram only merited children after changing his residence.

Moving to a strange place helps annul a Heavenly decree since a man's heart is humbled when he is exiled from his home.

Source: Midrash Says

Noach Sends out the Dove

Friday, October 12, 2018 · Posted in , , , ,

(Picture from Chabad)

"He waited another seven days, and once again he sent out the dove from the Tevah. The dove came to him toward evening and there was a torn off olive leaf in its beak. Noach knew that the water had receded from the earth." (Bereishit 8:10, 11)

The world was still covered with water, but the dove brought an olive leaf from a tree in the Holy Land. Others say that it was from Gan Eden. (Bereishit Rabbah; Ramban, Cf. Yafeh Toar, Tetzaveh)

The account of the dove and Noah's ark alludes to the history of the Jewish People.

The dove's journey is recorded in the Torah as a prophecy for the future. K'lal Yisrael is likened to a dove. The nations are compared to water. Just as the dove found no resting place in the midst of the water, so too would K'lal Yisrael find no resting place in exile. Just as the dove returned home to the Tevah, so will Benei Yisrael in the future return to their land.

Rabbi Pinchas said: Every time the Jewish People were sent into exile, the Holy One blessed be He set a limit to the exile, and they were always aroused to repentance. But this final exile has no set limit, and everything depends upon repentance.


Source: Me'am Lo'ez; Zohar
