
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 · Posted in , , , , ,

Bereishit 1:1 - 6:8

[Gan Eden - Artist Yoram Raanan]

Parasha Summary

The first day of creation
The second day; the firmament
The third day; dry lands, plants
The fourth day; astronomical bodies
The fifth day; fish and birds
The sixth day; man
The first Shabbat (Sabbath)
Man and woman
The curse of Chavah
The curse of Adam
Expulsion of Adam
Kayin and Hevel
Shet, the second generation
Enosh, the third generation
Keinan, the fourth generation
Mahalalel, the fifth generation
Yered, the sixth generation
Chanoch, the seventh generation
Metushelach, the eighth generation
Lemech, the ninth generation
Noach, the tenth generation
Noach's children, the titans
