Perek Shirah - Pomegranate Says

Monday, February 13, 2017 · Posted in ,

רִמּוֹן אוֹמֵר - Pomegranate Says:

[Pomegranate tree in Ramat Negev highlands, Israel]

Shir HaShirim 4:3

כְּפֶלַח הָרִמּוֹן רַקָּתֵךְ, מִבַּעַד לְצַמָּתֵךְ
kefelach harimon rakatech miba'ad letzamatech
As many as the pomegranate's seeds are the merits of your unworthiest, within your modest veil.

The pomegranate sings that one dare not underestimate even the apparently lowliest people. The fruit's hundreds of hidden, tasty seeds symbolize the 613 commandments. Like the veil hiding the person behind it, one never knows the abundant merits of people who are seemingly ordinary or worse. As the Sages put it, even the comparatively few merits of the lowest among you are numerous as a pomegranate's seeds. History is replete with unexpected courage and self-sacrifice from the least likely people. (Rabbi Nosson Scherman)

The pomegranate teaches that every part of the Jewish People is necessary in order to be considered whole. Those members of Benei Yisrael (the Jewish People) who are less intent on following the Torah are compared to the peel of the pomegranate, while the seeds are compared to those who strive to lead the Jewish People in the Torah. They are what makes the Benei Yisrael into a People intent on accomplishing its mission on Earth. However, without the shell, the pomegranate would fall apart, no longer considered to be a fruit. The protection afforded by the physical strength of those who are less inclined in the Torah, help hold the Jewish People together. (Knaf R'nanim) 

It is through their hishtadlut (physical effort) to defend their fellow Jew that we are all held together. Just as the pomegranate is one, so too, the Jewish People should strive to becomes one, not disassociating from a fellow Jew because of their lack of knowledge or lack of commitment to Judaism. Through increasing achdut (oneness) among the Jewish People, may we merit to make the "peel of the pomegranate" serve as well as the "fruit inside". By doing so all of our enemies will have all the more to fear. (Choshvei Shemo)

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